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Contract Management Software - CMx

CMx ContractExperience provides simple, reliable, legally compliant Centralized Contract Management Repository that is secure & customizable for automating and optimizing your contract process from request to electronic signature to approvals connecting users from multiple groups,departments and geographic locations. Contract Migration and Contract Fields Classification becomes an easy breeze with CMx Contract Management Technology.

CMx In house Document Management Software

Tips for choosing cloud or on-premise contract management software


(1) Do you have a lot of data spread across your in-house systems such as ERP, CRM, other software?


If high amounts of data are spread across multiple in-house systems such as ERP, CRM and other software which can be potentially integrated to the Contract Management Software, it is beneficial to have an on-premise contract management system rather than a cloud system where integrations can be limited to other software that you are already using.


(2) Do you have the hardware and licenses to run the contract management software in-house?


All Contract Management Software's require essential hardware/software licenses, review this ahead of time to ensure that all costs are planned.


(3) How much security the Contract Management Software provides when it runs in a cloud?


Good Contract Management Software deploys best of the breed security techniques including two factor/multi-factor authentication (MFA) features.
Source: http://www.contractexperience.com/resources/resources-main.html